
Discover The Current Topics Our Experts Are Thinking About And How It Might Apply To Your School Or District

BLOG Categories:

Amplifying Student Inquiry

Our Very Own Meredith Thomas, M.S.E., Empowers Inquiry-Based Learning through her Contributions to a New Book, ‘Amplify Student Inquiry’.

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Promoting Educational Equity

If your district is struggling with addressing disproportionality, our consultants are working within K-12 Districts to guide, counsel, and advise data teams.

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A graphic of a woman in front of a laptop with different icons floating around representing the different things she has to do: emails, videos, wifi, charts, pictures on a dark blue background.

Little Preparation, High Student Engagement

Team meetings, parent phone calls, emails, hall duty, department meetings —these are just a few of the responsibilities a teacher faces during “prep” time. So, how does a teacher create a lesson involving high levels of student participation with little preparation?

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An empty classroom with a blank whiteboard, an alphabet banner above the board, blue chairs, and desks facing forward.

Building a Classroom Community

When you visit family and friends, do you feel more welcomed when your hosts greet you? For most people, the answer is yes. Your students feel the same way! When they walk toward their classrooms each morning and see a familiar friendly face standing at their classroom door, it helps set the tone for the day.

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Assorted gifts in brown paper and colorful ribbons on a light background, with a teal blue heart inscribed with "Self Care"

Self-Care for Educators

Educators are constantly pouring our hearts and souls into serving others without a second thought on how we’re taking care of ourselves as individuals. But how can we pour from an empty cup? How can students receive the best version of ourselves if we don’t give ourselves the care we deserve? 

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A white circle containing a dark blue clipboard, featuring a list with three checkboxes and lines and a pencil, on a dark blue background.

Defining Assessments

Let’s define the most common education assessments: benchmark assessments and universal screening tools. Each has their purpose within a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS).

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Social Skills and ABA Instruction text above four individuals in a row holding hands on a light blue background

ABA and Social Skills

Incorporating social skills in special education settings is essential for creating an equitable and well-rounded environment. It teaches students how to communicate, socialize, and advocate for themselves.

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BLOG Categories:

Exciting New Webinars Available!

Stay ahead in your professional development with our latest webinar offerings. Visit our Events Page to explore and register for upcoming sessions designed to enhance your skills and knowledge.