
A graphic of a woman in front of a laptop with different icons floating around representing the different things she has to do: emails, videos, wifi, charts, pictures on a dark blue background.

Little Preparation, High Student Engagement

Team meetings, parent phone calls, emails, hall duty, department meetings —these are just a few of the responsibilities a teacher faces during “prep” time. So, how does a teacher create a lesson involving high levels of student participation with little preparation?

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Defining Assessments

Let’s define the most common education assessments: benchmark assessments and universal screening tools. Each has their purpose within a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS).

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What is Disproportionality?

In recent years, school districts have been looking at disproportionality more closely — especially as to how it pertains to general enrollment, special programs, and disciplinary actions. But not all educators understand what disproportionality is — or why it matters.

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Defining Equity

An equitable organization values people as individuals, and provides the support and structure each person needs to reach their full potential. So how does that apply to our academic institutions? Read on to learn more about creating just learning environments for our students!

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The Importance of Tier 1

We know the base or foundation of that pyramid, Tier 1, is the largest component. We are also all familiar with the following terms and their meanings: from the ground up, solid foundation, strong base, sure footing. Why is it then, as educators, we don’t consistently apply these terms when it comes to the implementation of MTSS?

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Medicaid in Education – Curse or Cure?

Over my years as a special education director and work in the ed tech sector, I have often heard from districts that the burden of documentation and other rules are too great for them to actively claim Medicaid reimbursement.

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A Checklist

When we go into education, specifically education administration, we aren’t always taught strategies used in the business world. Our perspective is typically one of an educator, not a manager.

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Why Behavioral RTI?

At that point, I began to ask my typical round of questions: what have you seen going on with the student in the classroom? What types of behavioral challenges is the student exhibiting? What types of interventions and/or consequences have you provided to support the student and try to correct the behavior?

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Beginning at Baseline

As I continue to have conversations with colleagues and fellow educators, the largest area of concern is not academics or how much students have struggled during virtual learning. It is how do we address social/emotional well-being as we reenter school?

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