
Discover The Current Topics Our Experts Are Thinking About And How It Might Apply To Your School Or District

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The Pros of Being Proactive

As an administrator, I was frustrated. Here we are, identifying clear issues and areas of need, and we’re being told too bad, she doesn’t qualify? As parents, we continued to provide the best services we could after school.

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Why Behavioral RTI?

At that point, I began to ask my typical round of questions: what have you seen going on with the student in the classroom? What types of behavioral challenges is the student exhibiting? What types of interventions and/or consequences have you provided to support the student and try to correct the behavior?

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Beginning at Baseline

As I continue to have conversations with colleagues and fellow educators, the largest area of concern is not academics or how much students have struggled during virtual learning. It is how do we address social/emotional well-being as we reenter school?

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